الكتاب:بناء شركة كلاركسون ، وصنع مغذيات الكواشف والصمامات للصناعة المعدنية
المؤلف::John Robert Clarkson
الصفحات:466 صفحة
سنة النشر:03 نوفمبر 2011
حجم الملف:18 ميجا بايت
تحميل الكتاب
المؤلف::John Robert Clarkson
v. (xxi, 381 p.) : 29 cm
19 sound cassettes
1 box (.2 linear ft.)
Pioneer Idaho family background, World War I and influenza, Great Depression; Meadow Creek Mine, ID, stibnite metallurgy, developing a dependable reagent feeder for flotation process; marketing through American Cyanamid, 1936; construction and management of mines and mills in California and Arizona, 1934-1942; meeting urgent World War II demand for tungsten, Stibnite, ID, 1942-1952; Clarkson Company, Palo Alto, CA, 1952-1980, manufacturing feeders, centriclones, constriction and gate valves; company move to Sparks, NV; mechanization, computerization, expansion of family-owned business. Appendix includes wife Edna Clarkson's written recollections of mining life during the Depression
includes biographical material and Clarkson Company information and clippings, and correspondence regarding Tony Mecia
Forms part of: Western mining in the twentieth century oral history series
Dept. of Special Collections, University of California, Los Angeles Library
Volume includes index
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