المؤلف:احمد الحامولي
الصفحات:29 صفحة
سنة النشر:11 أبريل 2022
حجم الملف:270.1 كيلو بايت
تحميل الكتاب
المؤلف:احمد الحامولي
Day 1 Cairo 15 August Temperature 32° Cchapter oneThe first day. August 15On Sunday, the day the usual day hustle the first day after a holiday week that day is more day not Ohab ھbecause the hustle یktherh cars and noise and I hate noise until my car Almtھalkh disrupted day, 'Lھo of days forgiveness of God I got out of my car to bring equipment repair vehicle Vھma routinely usual every day one happens something unexpected repaired car and Hgletھa worked installed the car and set off huge crowds filled the place Sیdta old pass road has not thrown Lھa Bala namely good frequency یbah opened the signal set off crowds bridge October in that day indescribably arrived and Jھta after the trouble the way I got out of my car and I went walking p foot to The company in which I work took the elevator to the tenth floor and arrived, and if a skin
هل هذا الكتاب لك؟ هل أنت أنت دار النشر؟ للإبلاغ عن الكتاب لحذفه اضغط على إبلاغ.
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