الكتاب:ريادة الاعمال مقدمة قصيرة جدًا
المؤلف:paul westhead mike wright
الصفحات:158 صفحة
سنة النشر:11 مارس 2019
حجم الملف:2.38 ميجا بايت
تحميل الكتاب
المؤلف:paul westhead mike wright
There has been an explosion of interest in entrepreneurs in the popular media, as well as in business, policy, and education. But what do entrepreneurs do and why is what they do important? Paul Westhead and Mike Wright weave a pathway through the debates about entrepreneurship, providing a
guide to the entrepreneurial process. They look at how the actions of entrepreneurs are shaped by the external environment and availability of resources, consider the types of organizations in which they can be found, and look at the diversity in their backgrounds, experience, and how they think and
learn. Lastly, they consider the impact that entrepreneurs have on modern market economies and look at the future of entrepreneurship in our increasingly globalized world.
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